Rusta och Matcha Engelska

We help you find the right job or education!

As a participant with us, you will get:

Individuellt samtal Rusta och Matcha HAGA Rekrytering

Do you want us to contact you?

Fill in your contact details below and one of our coaches will get in touch with you.

What is Rusta och Matcha?

Rusta och Matcha (Prepare and Match) is an individual additional support for those who are looking for work or want to start studying.

Who can participate in Rusta och Matcha?

To participate in Rusta och Matcha, you need to be registered with the Employment Service (Arbetsförmedlingen) and get approval from your caseworker to join the program. Factors that may determine your eligibility include, for example, if you are far from the labor market and have been unemployed for a long time, if you have low education with poorer chances of getting a job, if you have a disability, if you are new in Sweden and have insufficient knowledge of the Swedish language, and/or if you are older than 55 years.

The application process

How do you get our help?

Contact the Employment Service
Talk to your caseworker at the Employment Service (Arbetsförmedlingen) and say that you want to join Rusta och Matcha. They will assess your need and decide if you can start the program.
Choose us as a provider
If you are approved to participate in Rusta och Matcha, you can choose your provider. To select HAGA Rekrytering, state our KA-number in your application to the Employment Service.
Have a meeting with us
After you have registered your wish with HAGA Rekrytering as the provider for Rusta och Matcha, you will be invited to a startup meeting with us.

Contact our offices

Angereds Torg 9, 424 65 Angered
KA-nummer: 10072338

073-534 93 83

Föreningsgatan 26, 211 52 Malmö
KA-nummer: 10072331

076-021 31 95

Linjetvågatan 2, 212 52 Malmö
KA-nummer: 10072331

079-331 39 04

Stadiongatan 65, 217 62 Malmö
KA-nummer: 10072331

076-300 05 37

Norra Bulltoftavägen 65G, 212 43 Malmö
KA-nummer: 10072331

076-300 05 37

Industrigatan 50, 291 36 Kristianstad
KA-nummer: 10072332

070-825 95 30

Bredgatan 11, 252 25 Helsingborg
KA-nummer: 10072334

070-235 88 14

Vallgatan 13, 281 32 Hässleholm
KA-nummer: 10072332

076-008 38 53

Kungsgatan 44, 374 36 Karlshamn
KA-nummer: 10073504

076-027 94 16

Gruppbild personal HAGA Rekrytering

Who are we?

HAGA Rekrytering is a coaching and recruitment company that helps job seekers and employers find each other through the Rusta och Matcha service. We have a large network in all industries and work wholeheartedly to get you into work or education in the shortest possible time.

In which cities do we have offices?

We at HAGA Rekrytering (Rusta och Matcha) are located in Göteborg, Malmö, Kristianstad, Helsingborg, Hässleholm, and Karlshamn.

Can I participate in Rusta och Matcha in another language?

Yes, at HAGA Rekrytering you can receive Rusta och Matcha in your native language, as we have coaches who speak several different languages such as English, Arabic, Turkish, Persian, Kurdish, Somali, Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, Macedonian, Russian, among others.