As a participant with us, you will get:
- A personal tutor
- Surveying
- Individual development plan
- CV and cover letter
- Interview training
- Support in your job search
- Contact with employers
- Study and career guidance
- Workshops and lectures
- Language support
- Community information
- Computer teaching
- Other

Do you want us to contact you?
What is Rusta och Matcha?
Who can participate in Rusta och Matcha?

The application process
How do you get our help?
Contact the Employment Service
Choose us as a provider
Have a meeting with us
Contact our offices
Angereds Torg 9, 424 65 Angered
KA-nummer: 10072338
073-534 93 83
Föreningsgatan 26, 211 52 Malmö
KA-nummer: 10072331
076-021 31 95
Stadiongatan 65, 217 62 Malmö
KA-nummer: 10072331
076-300 05 37
Norra Bulltoftavägen 65G, 212 43 Malmö
KA-nummer: 10072331
076-300 05 37
Industrigatan 50, 291 36 Kristianstad
KA-nummer: 10072332
070-825 95 30
Bredgatan 11, 252 25 Helsingborg
KA-nummer: 10072334
070-235 88 14
Vallgatan 13, 281 32 Hässleholm
KA-nummer: 10072332
076-008 38 53
Kungsgatan 44, 374 36 Karlshamn
KA-nummer: 10073504
076-027 94 16

Who are we?
HAGA Rekrytering is a coaching and recruitment company that helps job seekers and employers find each other through the Rusta och Matcha service. We have a large network in all industries and work wholeheartedly to get you into work or education in the shortest possible time.
In which cities do we have offices?
We at HAGA Rekrytering (Rusta och Matcha) are located in Göteborg, Malmö, Kristianstad, Helsingborg, Hässleholm, and Karlshamn.